USARC Commissioners
USARC’s seven Commissioners, appointed by the President, include four members from academic or research institutions, two members from private industry undertaking commercial activities in the Arctic, and one member from among the Indigenous residents of the Arctic. The eighth member of the Commission is the Director of the National Science Foundation, who serves as a nonvoting, ex officio member.

Larry Mayer, PhD
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire

Nikoosh Carlo, PhD
USARC Commissioner
CNC North Consulting
Seattle, Washington

Elizabeth “Liz” Qaulluq Cravalho
USARC Commissioner
NANA Regional Corporation,
Kotzebue, Alaska

David M. Kennedy
USARC Commissioner
Madison, Virginia

Mark Myers, PhD
USARC Commissioner
Anchorage, Alaska

Jacqueline “Jackie” Richter-Menge, PhD
USARC Commissioner
Lyme, New Hampshire

Deborah Vo
USARC Commissioner
Rasmuson Foundation,
Anchorage, Alaska

Sethuraman Panchanathan, PhD
National Science Foundation
Alexandria, Virginia
Former Commissioners
David Benton
James O. Campbell
Thomas Emanuel Dans, CFA
Michele Longo Eder
Mary Jane Fate
Ben C. Gerwick, Jr.
Richard K. Glenn
Lee Gorsuch
Jackie Grebmeier, PhD
Kasaŋnaaluk Marie N. Greene
Clifford J. Groh, Sr.
Jon Harrison
John E. Hobbie, PhD
Hon. Edward Saggan Itta
Charles H. Johnson
Randy “Church” Kee, Maj Gen
Duane Laible
Oliver Leavitt
James Llewellyn
James J. McCarthy, PhD
Vera Kingeekuk Metcalf
Larry Mayer, PhD
Julia Nesheiwat, PhD
Hon. George B. Newton
Michael A. Newton, JD
Donald O’Dowd, PhD
James A. Palmer
Walter B. Parker
Crawford Patkotak
Mary C. Pete
Luis M. Proenza, PhD
Elmer E. Rasmuson
John R. Roderick
Jackie Richter-Menge
Juan G. Roederer, PhD
Thomas C. Royer, PhD
Helvi Sandvik
Mike Sfraga
Virgil “Buck” Sharpton, PhD
John H. Steele, PhD
Susan Sugai, PhD
Hon. Mead Treadwell
Hon. Fran Ulmer
Charles J. Vörösmarty, PhD
A. Lincoln Washburn, PhD
Warren W. Zapol, MD
James H. Zumberge, PhD
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