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Renewable Energy
Working Group

A USARC-Coordinated
Working Group

Arctic Renewable Energy Working Group

A USARC-Coordinated Working Group


The US Arctic Research Commission coordinates the Arctic Renewable Energy Working Group (AREWG) to promote research on renewable and efficient energy systems in remote Arctic communities. Integration of renewable resources and supporting technologies into a community’s current power generation capacity has the potential to generate local employment, decrease air pollution and carbon footprint, and ideally reduce consumer costs. Energy efficiency and conservation are critical components of this effort.

The Working Group’s mission is to benefit Arctic communities by identifying and addressing critical renewable energy and energy efficiency research needs.

Areas of Focus

  • New options for home heating and electricity aimed at increasing energy efficiency/use of renewable energy and reducing heating oil consumption
  • Storage of energy produced by renewables, with particular focus on improved battery technology
  • Indirect community benefits of renewable and efficient energy use that do not get figured into typical renewable energy cost/benefit analyses
  • Increasing potential for industry investment in remote renewable energy projects (decreasing uncertainty by identifying and mitigating risk)
  • Energy equity


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