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Alaska Rural Water and Sanitation Working Group

A USARC-Coordinated Working Group

January 20, 2017 | Anchorage, AK

Seventh Annual Water and Sanitation Innovations for the Arctic Workshop

Climate Change, Water and Health

An ALPHA Post-Summit Session Workshop co-sponsored by the US Arctic Research Commission and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hosted a workshop on the impact of climate change on water and sanitation infrastructure in Alaska, along with the potential health consequences of this type of infrastructure failure. Participants discussed the baseline state of W&S infrastructure knowledge, the need to inventory W&S infrastructure around the state, as well as assess the impact of climate change on its functionality, in both near- and long-term time frames. The group also discussed how this might be accomplished given the current funding outlook and the State of Alaska’s economic status with the aim of developing an approach and ranking criteria for an at-risk infrastructure inventory.

Workshop Objectives

  • Design a plan for an “asset inventory” of at-risk water and sanitation infrastructure.
  • Assess community-based monitoring and response strategies involving health and water-related resources/infrastructure failure.
  • Provide an update on the knowledge shared at the Water Innovations for Healthy Arctic Homes (WIHAH) Conference.


7th Annual Water and Sanitation Innovations for the Arctic: Water, Climate and Health – an introduction — by C. Rosa
3.9 MB pdf | 1.9 MB PowerPoint File

Asset Inventory for Alaska Communities: Background on Need for Asset Inventory — by D. Wagner
4.8 MB pdf | 3.8 MB PowerPoint File

Health Effects of Loss of Water/Sanitation Services — by T. Hennessy
5.2 MB pdf | 1.9 MB PowerPoint File

Damage and Disruption to Water Infrastructure — by C. Bohan
13.2 MB pdf | 11.3 MB PowerPoint File

Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality in Alaska — by J. Warren
10.7 MB pdf 17.2 MB PowerPoint File

Food Security — by C. Behe
18.1 MB pdf 13.2 MB PowerPoint File

Waste Erosion Assessment and Review (WEAR) — by M. Brewer
4.6 MB pdf | 8 MB PowerPoint File

Water Infrastucture Funding Outlook: WRDA, WIFIA and WIIN — by D. Wagner
421 KB pdf | 464 KB PowerPoint File

Water and Sanitation system Hazard Vulnerability Analysis in the Y-K Delta Region — by B. Lefferts
29.6 MB pdf | 1.4 MB PowerPoint File

Climate Change-Related Survey Results from Arctic Council WASH Survey — by J. Bressler
2.7 MB pdf 2.2 MB PowerPoint File

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Mitigation Programs — by K. Reeves
1.8 MB pdf | 1.4 MB PowerPoint File

Anticipated Health Risks: Approaches to Planning for Future Response to Water System Failure — by T. Hennessy
1.46 MB pdf | 1.1 MB PowerPoint File

Breakout Group A – Develop an Approach to Inventory Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
13.8 MB pdf | 633 KB PowerPoint File

Breakout Group B – Develop a Ranking or Prioritization of At-Risk Infrastructure from THIS Inventory
7 MB pdf | 1 MB PowerPoint File


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